Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Herbal Tea: Your Key for Healthy Life

There is no match when great taste comes with great health. And herbal tea is one of the few exceptions in the world of cuisine. Tea is a popular drink for its exotic aroma and subtle flavour since eighteenth century. But this genre of herbal tea is comparatively new to the tea addicts. For its medicinal properties, it is gaining popularity among the health conscious drinkers. Herbal tea is a unique blend of one or more herbs with tea. The regular drinking of this tea helps to improve the inner wellness of the body and to establish better immunity system.

Herbal Tea 

Was originated in China, Japan and India to treat different ailments of the body. With time, it has gained its popularity as a great health drink among the western countries. Herbal tea is also known as Ptisans and Tisanes in various countries. The modern concept of herbal tea is infused from Indian Ayurveda and Chinese medicines. The main ingredient of this tea is the leaves of tea tree or Camellia Sinensis. Along with this, various flowers, roots, extracted liquids of certain plants, seed and leaves are used as the components of this health drink. To drink herbal tea, one has to put it in boiling water for some time to absorb the medicinal properties of the ingredients and then pour the drink in cups to serve. It is a worldwide accepted myth that herbal tea is tasted best in bone china tea set which is enhances the therapeutic properties of the drink.

There are various categories of herbal tea available in the market for different medical benefits. The most popular varieties among them are cough tea, digestive tea, diabex tea, ginger tea and slim tea. The main ingredients of herbal tea are Tulasi (Ocimum sanctum), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhizaglabra), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Marich (Piper nigrum), Pudina Satva (Menthaarvensis), Ajowain (Trachyspermumammi), Amalaki (Emblicaofficinalis) and many other herbs which have been considered as Ayurvedic medicines from years. As each and every herb has its unique potentialities, different categories of herbal tea are produced by proper blending of specific herbs with tea bush by the herbal tea manufactures. This natural health drink is also admired for its huge range of flavours worldwide.

The herbal tea is beneficial for many ailments such as:

• It is used to heel the heart related problems.
• Herbal tea enhances the functionality of the digestive system.
• Herbal tea is safe for diabetes patients.
• It helps to rejuvenate and relax.
• It is a good supplement of Vitamin C.
• Some forms of herbal tea are effective for headache and rheumatic aches.
• It also helps to reduce kidney problems.
• Herbal tea is a well known remedy for cough and cold.
• Drinking of herbal tea also helps to reduce weight.

For all these therapeutic benefits, herbal tea is vastly popular as a great health drink all over the world. It is the best natural way to detox the body. Apart from that, it is a great way to satisfy our taste buds in a healthy way.

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